
Buchanan County, IA
68.00 Acres M/L

110th Street
Fairbank, IA 50629

Price $629,000
Listing #15572
Travis Smock


Travis Smock

Mobile: 319.361.8089

Property Info


Excellent opportunity to own quality Buchanan County, Iowa farmland in a strong farming area! This well-tiled farm consists of 68 acres m/l with just over 60 acres currently in row crop production carrying an average CSR2 of 75.2. Extensive cleanup work has been done over the past few years allowing for new tillable areas and the ability to add more farmable acreage is likely. Highly productive soil types include Oran, Clyde-Floyd, and Kenyon Loams. The excellent location between Fairbank and Hazleton in northwest Buchanan County is situated less than five miles from the Fairbank Flint Hills ethanol plant. Road frontage is along 110th Street, just off of Fairbank-Amish Boulevard, and the property sits entirely in Section 11 of Fairbank Township in Buchanan County, Iowa.

Legal Description

The West 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 11, Township 90 North, Range 10 West of the 5th P.M. except Parcel A, in Buchanan County, Iowa, as recorded in Plat of Survey File No. 2019R00012. Exact legal description to be taken from the Abstract.


From Fairbank: Travel east on Highway 281 for 3 miles to Fairbank-Amish Boulevard. Head south on Fairbank-Amish Boulevard for 3 miles to 110th Street. Turn west onto 110th Street and after 1/4 mile, the farm will be on the south side of the road.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 631311
  • Parcel Number: &
  • School District: Wapsie Valley
  • General Area: Northwest Buchanan County
  • Gross Taxes: $1,900.00
  • CSR2: 75.20
  • Zoning: Ag

Interactive Map

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Listing Photo: Looking South Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-68-acres-listing-number-15572-0-2021-06-10-145028.jpg Listing Photo: Looking South Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-68-acres-listing-number-15572-0-2021-06-10-145603.JPG Listing Photo: Looking Northwest Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-68-acres-listing-number-15572-0-2021-06-10-153805.jpg Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-68-acres-listing-number-15572-1-2021-06-10-145605.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-68-acres-listing-number-15572-3-2021-06-10-145608.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-68-acres-listing-number-15572-1-2021-06-10-145408.JPG