
Buchanan County, IA
33.30 Acres M/L

Wapsipinicon River
Independence, IA 50644

Price $49,950
Listing #14906
Travis Smock


Travis Smock

Mobile: 319.361.8089

Property Info


Unique opportunity to own an affordable riverfront property with a location just outside of Independence, IA! This property is located along the main channel of the Wapsipinicon River and offers many possibilities of recreational use from hunting and fishing to kayaking and boating. Access is provided to the river through an ingress egress easement allowing the owner to put a boat or kayak/canoe in the backwaters of the river. The entire farm is enrolled into the forest reserve program and no property taxes are due annually. An additional 118.14 acre m/l recreational property with a cabin and shed is being offered by a different owner adjacent to this land which would allow for paved road access. Don't miss your opportunity to own a piece of land along the river! Land is located just northwest of Independence and across from the River Ridge Golf Course along the Wapsipinicon River in Sections 28 & 29 of Washington Township.

Legal Description

Exact legal will be taken from the abstract.


From Downtown Independence: Follow the Wapsipinicon River upstream (northwest) for 2.5 miles and the property is located on the north side of the river. Easement access to the river is located off of Otterville Boulevard.

  • MLS Number: 601174
  • Parcel Number: 06.28.300.008 & 06.29.400.006
  • School District: Independence Community Schools
  • General Area: Northwest of Independence
  • Zoning: Ag

Interactive Map

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Listing Photo: Area Map Listing Photo: Google Aerial Listing Photo: Aerial Image Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-2-2020-10-28-160603.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-1-2020-10-28-160436.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-0-2020-10-28-160514.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-2-2020-10-28-160734.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-0-2020-10-28-160646.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-1-2020-10-28-160515.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-0-2020-10-28-160429.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-0-2020-10-28-160559.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-2-2020-10-28-160437.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-1-2020-10-28-160601.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-1-2020-10-28-160731.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-0-2020-10-28-160729.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-2-2020-10-28-160517.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-1-2020-10-28-160647.JPG Listing Photo: land-buchanan-county-iowa-33-acres-listing-number-14906-2-2020-10-28-160649.JPG