
Buchanan County, IA
163.37 Acres M/L

160th Street
Fairbank, IA 50629

Price $1,500,000
Listing #17542
Travis Smock


Travis Smock

Mobile: 319.361.8089

Property Info


Buchanan County Farmland Available! A great opportunity to own productive, income-producing land with added recreational value in northeast Iowa. This 163.37 surveyed acre farm consists of 147.04 FSA tillable acres, of which 24.26 acres are currently enrolled into CRP programs, and offers a beautiful 14.53-acre wetland area with a man-made pond creating the ideal bird habitat. The income potential on this property is excellent with the currently farmed acres enrolled into an EQIP 2018 conservation program paying $7,438 annually through 2027 and $1,326 in 2028, rewarding the landowner for following cover-crop and no-till practices. This program can be transferred to the new owner or discontinued if preferred. The 24.26 acres enrolled into CRP is split into six contracts expiring in 2027 and 2032 and paying an average of $291.51 per acre or $7,072 annually. 

The entire tillable portion of the farm has been pattern-tiled and will require no immediate capital improvements for the new owner. The current owner would be willing to continue renting the farm and would offer a competitive rate, however, the sale is not contingent on a "lease-back". There may be an opportunity to add a manure easement on the farm to ensure optimum fertility for years to come. 

A combination of CRP, the wetland area and pond, and the small timbered draw along with a proximity just north of the Wapsipinicon River produce an incredible habitat for wildlife. The variety of grasses found in the CRP and wetland area and managed pond, have created a sanctuary for both waterfowl and upland birds. The expansive timber directly to the south and ample food north and east of this property ensures extensive whitetail deer traffic throughout all seasons. 

The farm is located along 160th Street between Dunkerton and Littleton in Section 31 of Fairbank Township, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Legal Description

The South 1/2 of the Northwest fractional 1/4 of Section 31 AND the West fractional 1/2 of the Southwest Fractional 1/4 West of the 5th P.M. in Buchanan County of Section 31, all in Township 90 North, Range 10 West of the 5th P.M., Buchanan County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


CRP Contract Information:
• 4.91 acres enrolled into a CP42 pollinator program paying $300.00/acre annually and expiring in 2032 (southeast corner of the farm)
• 1.75 acres enrolled into a CP43 prairie strip program paying $300.00/acre annually and expiring in 2032 (western buffer strip on the "South 80")
• 2.17 acres enrolled into a CP21 filter strip program paying $294.62/acre annually and expiring in 2027 (southern buffer strip on the "South 80") 
• 15.43 acres enrolled into a CP38E-2 pheasant habitat program paying $287.43/acre annually and expiring in 2032 (buffer strip around the "North 80" and the area west of the wetland)

Total CRP Payment: $7,072 Annually


From Dunkerton: Travel east on Dunkerton Road for 3.5 miles to Teem Road. Head south on Teem Road for 1.3 miles. The road will curve to the east and become 160th Street. The property will be located along the north side of the road.

From Jesup: Travel north on Baxter Avenue for 5 miles to 160th Street. Head west on 160th Street for 0.75 mile and the property will be located along the north side of the road.


Extensive pattern-tiling has been done throughout the years. The "South 80" was pattern tiled with 4" plastic tile on 65' centers in 1979. The "North 80" was pattern tiled with 4" plastic tile on 70' centers in 1987. Approximately 16.7 acres of the "North 80" had tile lines run between existing lines and mains updated in 2001.

About The Tenant

The farm is currently owner-operated and the owner would be willing to continue leasing the farm from the new owner at an attractive rate. They would be happy to continue the current conservation practices to allow for the extra EQIP payments through 2028. The sale is not contingent on a leaseback.
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 693481
  • Parcel Number:,,, 01.31.300.001 & 01.31.300.003
  • School District: Jesup Community Schools
  • General Area: Between Littleton and Dunkerton, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $4,290.00
  • CSR2: 54.30
  • Zoning: Ag

Interactive Map

Use the Interactive Map to explore the property's regional location. Zoom in and out to see the property's surroundings and toggle various mapping layers on and off in the Map Layer Menu.


Listing Photo: Buchanan County Land Available Listing Photo: Littleton, Iowa Farm For Sale Listing Photo: Jesup, Iowa Farm Available Listing Photo: Fairbank, Iowa Farmland Listing Photo: Buchanan County, Iowa Land For Sale Listing Photo: CRP Land For Sale Listing Photo: CRP Sunset Listing Photo: Productive Farmland Available Listing Photo: Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Iowa Land Available Listing Photo: Buchanan County, Iowa Land For Sale Listing Photo: Sunset Pond For Sale Listing Photo: Buchanan County, Iowa Land For Sale Listing Photo: Buchanan County, Iowa Land For Sale Listing Photo: Buchanan County, Iowa Land For Sale Listing Photo: Waterfowl Land For Sale Listing Photo: Buchanan County Farm For Sale Google Map Listing Photo: Buchanan County Farm For Sale Area Map