
Buchanan County, IA
153.00 Acres M/L

Gentry Avenue/200th Street
Independence, IA 50644

Price $2,371,500
Listing #16205
Travis Smock


Travis Smock

Mobile: 319.361.8089

Property Info


High-quality Buchanan County farm with excellent income potential! Peoples Company is pleased to offer 153 acres m/l with 146.97 FSA cropland acres carrying a CSR2 of 83.8. The tract is located just northwest of Independence along Gentry Avenue and 200th Street. This pattern-tiled farm features three of Buchanan county's most productive soil types in Clyde-Floyd complex, Kenyon, and Readlyn Loams. The seller is currently operating the farmland and is willing to lease it back at an attractive rate. However, the sale is not contingent on a lease-back. This owner-operated farm has had excellent care with a strong fertility history and multiple 200+ bushel corn yields, including 228 BPA in 2021. The farm is nearly 100% pattern-tiled with plastic tile throughout. Don't miss an opportunity to own an excellent investor-grade farm in a strong farming area. The entire property is located in Section 25 of Perry Township, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Legal Description

The Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; and the East 18 acres of the Northwest 1/4; and the West 22 acres of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, and the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 25, Township 89 North, Range 10 West of the 5th P.M., in Buchanan County, Iowa, and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 25, Township 89 North, Range 10 West, except Parcel C being Plat of Survey recorded in File No.1997R03267. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Independence: Travel west on 220th Street (Old Highway 20) for 2.5 miles to Gentry Avenue. Head north on Gentry Avenue for 1.5 miles and the farm is located on the west side of the road.

From Jesup: Travel east on 220th Street (Old Highway 20) for 4.5 miles to Gentry Avenue. Head north on Gentry Avenue for 1.5 miles and the farm is located on the west side of the road.

  • MLS Number: 652681
  • Parcel Number:,,,
  • School District: Independence
  • General Area: West of Independence
  • Net Taxes: $5,156.00
  • CSR2: 83.80
  • Zoning: Agriculture

Interactive Map

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