
Buchanan County, IA
150.00 Acres M/L

Quonset Avenue
Aurora, IA 50607

Price $1,875,000
Listing #16425
Travis Smock


Travis Smock

Mobile: 319.361.8089

Property Info


Presenting 150 acres m/l of diverse Buchanan County farmland that offers both highly productive and recreational land in one place! The tillable portion of this property includes 130.20 FSA cropland acres carrying an average CSR2 of 79.3 of which 19.68 acres are enrolled into three separate CRP contracts expiring in 2025, 2026 & 2031 that pay $5,734 annually. The southeast portion of the farm features thick timber providing habitat, Buffalo Creek providing water, and a 6.19 acre open area enrolled into a CP9 CRP program creating the ideal domain for a multitude of wildlife including white-tailed deer. The farm has been meticulously maintained over by the tenant over the years and won a conservation award from the Iowa Soil Conservation in 2013. Don't miss the opportunity to own a property that can uniquely offer both highly productive NHEL soil types and premium hunting in one place. The farm is located along Quonset Avenue in Section 11 of Byron Township between Aurora and Winthrop, Iowa.

Legal Description

The Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 89 North, Range 8 West of the 5th P.M., Buchanan County, Iowa, except the West 1050 feet of the North 415 feet thereof. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


CRP Contracts:
1.72 acres (SW Corner) enrolled into CP42 paying $323/acre and expiring in 2026
6.41 acres (SE Corner) enrolled into CP9 paying $313.31/acre and expiring in 2025
8.29 acres (Buffer Strip) enrolled into CP33 paying $275.15/acre and expiring in 2031
3.41 acres (Waterways) enrolled into CP8A paying $275.15/acre and expiring in 2031


From Winthrop: Head north out of Winthrop, Iowa on Slater Avenue for 3.4 miles. Turn left (west) onto 180th Street and travel 1.5 miles. Turn right (north) onto Quonset Avenue and travel 0.5 miles. The property will be on the east side of the road.

From Aurora: Head south out of Aurora, Iowa on Slater Avenue for 3.4 miles. Turn right (west) on 150th Street and travel 1.8 miles. Turn left (south) onto Quonset Avenue and travel 0.5 miles. The property will be on the east side of the road.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 660608
  • Parcel Number: 07-11-200-002, 07-11-200-003, 07-11-200-004, 07-11-200-005
  • School District: East Buchanan
  • General Area: Between Winthrop and Aurora
  • Net Taxes: $4,940.00
  • CSR2: 79.30
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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