
Buchanan County, IA
15.00 Acres M/L

195th Street
Independence, IA 50644

Price $221,750
Listing #16760
Travis Smock


Travis Smock

Mobile: 319.361.8089

Property Info


Presenting 15 acres m/l of high-quality Buchanan County, Iowa farmland! This property is nearly 100% tillable with 14.59 estimated cropland acres carrying an excellent average CSR2 rating of 84.3. The productive soil types include the Clyde-Floyd complex and Kenyon loams. The farm is located just northeast of Independence along 195th Street in Section 24 of Washington Township, Buchanan County, Iowa. The Seller would like to restrict the future building of an animal confinement facility on the land. Land will need to be surveyed prior to closing. Don't miss this rare chance to purchase a smaller farm with the opportunity to build a farmstead, add on to an existing farm operation, or make an affordable option for the beginner farmland investor.

Legal Description

The East 15 acres of the West 515.7 feet of Parcel D, located in Section 24, Township 89 North, Range 9 West of the 5th P.M., Buchanan County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be surveyed and taken from Abstract.


From Downtown Independence, IA: Travel north on Highway 150/5th Avenue NE for 1 mile to 14th Street NE, locally known as County Home Road. Head east on 14th Street, which will become 205th Street, for 2 miles to Lee Avenue. Travel north on Lee Avenue for 1 mile to 195th Street. Turn east on 195th Street and after 1/4 mile the property will be located on the south side of the road.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 670609
  • Parcel Number: 06.24.400.018
  • School District: Independence Community Schools
  • General Area: Northeast of Independence, IA
  • Net Taxes: $560.00
  • CSR2: 84.30
  • Lot Dimensions: 495 ft x 1320 ft
  • Zoning: Ag Land

Interactive Map

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