
Black Hawk County, IA
289.00 Acres M/L

Dunkerton Road
Fairbank, IA 50629

Price $3,164,550
Listing #17657
Travis Smock


Travis Smock

Mobile: 319.361.8089

Property Info


Large Contiguous Black Hawk County Farm Available! Offering 289 acres m/l of highly tillable land situated in an excellent farming area between Fairbank, Dunkerton, and Jesup, Iowa. The farm is comprised of 280.05 FSA Cropland acres carrying a CSR2 of 72.9 of which 257.81 acres m/l are currently being farmed and 16.59 acres m/l are enrolled into CRP contracts expiring in 2030. There are 11.47 acres of buffer strips enrolled into a CP21 wildlife habitat CRP program paying $214/acre annually and expiring in 2030 and 5.12 acres enrolled into a CP8A grass waterway program paying $214/acre annually and expiring in 2030. The remaining tillable land consists of grass waterways. 

The farm is easily accessible with nearly two miles of road frontage along three sides from Duffy Road, Black Hawk-Buchanan Avenue, and the paved Dunkerton Road. The Fairbank Ethanol plant is just minutes away with the Cedar Rapids grain market accessible in less than an hour. Additional future wind or solar energy income may be possible with a 345kV MidAmerican transmission line running along the property's northern edge. The opportunity to own a large, contiguous farm in this area is extremely rare. The farm is leased for 2024 and has been very well maintained for many years by a long-term tenant but would be open for the 2025 crop season. This land is located in Section 25 of Lester Township, Black Hawk County, Iowa.

Legal Description

The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; The South 20 acres of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, except the East 1 1/2 rods thereof; The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; The West 30 acres of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; The East One-half of the Southwest Quarter except that part thereof conveyed to the District Township of Lester in 36 LD 495 and 58 LD 329; The Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter except that part thereof bounded as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence West 16 feet; thence Southeasterly to a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter which is 33 feet South of the point of beginning; thence North 33 feet to the point of beginning; and The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; All in Section No. 25, Township No. 90 North, Range No. 11 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Black Hawk County, Iowa, except that part thereof conveyed to Black Hawk County, Iowa for road purposes in 504 Deeds 93. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Dunkerton, IA: Travel east on Dunkerton Road for 3 miles to Duffy Road. The farm is located at the northeast corner of this intersection.

From Fairbank, IA: Travel south on Baxter Avenue for 4.5 miles to Dunkerton Road. Head west on Dunkerton Road for 1 mile to Black Hawk-Buchanan Avenue. The farm is located at the northwest corner of this intersection with additional frontage along Duffy Road.

From Jesup, IA: Travel north on Baxter Avenue for 6 miles to Dunkerton Road. Head west on Dunkerton Road for 1 mile to Black Hawk-Buchanan Avenue. The farm is located at the northwest corner of this intersection with additional frontage along Duffy Road. 
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 696905
  • Parcel Number: 901125126001, 901125176001, 901125251001, 901125326002, 901125401001, 901125401001, 901125451001 & 901125476001
  • School District: Wapsie Valley Community Schools
  • General Area: East of Dunkerton, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $8,280.23
  • CSR2: 72.90
  • Zoning: Ag

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Listing Photo: Black Hawk County, Iowa Farm For Sale Listing Photo: Aerial Photo Transmission Line Black Hawk County Farm Available Listing Photo: Black Hawk County Farm Sunrise Listing Photo: Black Hawk County, Iowa Farm Available Listing Photo: Black Hawk County, Iowa Corn Rows Listing Photo: Iowa Farmland Available Listing Photo: Black Hawk County, Iowa Farm For Sale Listing Photo: Black Hawk & Buchanan County Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: DJI_0608 Listing Photo: DJI_0620 Listing Photo: DJI_0613 Listing Photo: DJI_0634 Listing Photo: Land For Sale in Black Hawk County, Iowa Listing Photo: Land For Sale in Iowa Listing Photo: Black Hawk County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Riverview Family Farms 289ac, Black Hawk Co - Google Close Listing Photo: Riverview Family Farms 289ac, Black Hawk Co - Google Far