
Black Hawk County, IA
117.00 Acres M/L

Cunningham Road
Dunkerton, IA 50626

Price $1,433,250
Listing #16353
Travis Smock


Travis Smock

Mobile: 319.361.8089

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to present 117 acres m/l of productive Black Hawk County farmland located in Section 12 of Barclay Township. This farm is situated in a strong farming area and consists of 113.93 FSA Tillable Acres carrying a CSR2 of 72. This mostly tillable farm would be a great add-on for local farmers and falls within an excellent area for farmland investment area being just 10 miles from the Fairbank ethanol plant. The property is accessed from Cunningham Road and located just west of Littleton between Dunkerton & Jesup.

Legal Description

The North One-half of the Southwest Quarter of Section No. Twelve (12) except: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said North One-half; thence West along the South line of said North One-half Three Hundred Ninety-six (396) feet; thence North Three Hundred Thirty (330) feet; thence East Three Hundred Ninety-six (396) feet to the East line of said North One-half; thence South Three Hundred Thirty (330) feet to the point of beginning; AND The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section No. Twelve (12) all in Township No. Eighty-nine (89) North, Range No. Eleven (11) West of the Fifth (5th) Principal Meridian, Black Hawk County, Iowa, except and legal highways. Exact legal description will be taken from Abstract.


From Jesup: Head north out of town on Baxter Avenue and travel approximately 2.6 miles to 183rd Street. Turn west onto 183rd Street and continue 1.5 miles (road will turn into Barclay Road at the county line) to Cunningham Road. Travel north on Cunningham Road for 0.8 miles and the farm is located on the west side of the road. 

From Dunkerton: Head south on Canfield Road for 1.5 miles to E. Airline Highway. Travel east on E. Airline Highway for 3.5 miles to Cunningham Road. Travel south on Cunningham Road for 0.5 miles and the farm is located on the west side of the road. 

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 658503
  • Parcel Number: 891112301001, 891112326001, 891112351001
  • School District: Dunkerton Community Schools
  • General Area: Northwest of Jesup, IA
  • Net Taxes: $3,511.72
  • CSR2: 72.00
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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Listing Photo: Google Far Map Listing Photo: land-black-hawk-county-iowa-117-acres-listing-number-16353-DJI_0987-1.jpg Listing Photo: land-black-hawk-county-iowa-117-acres-listing-number-16353-DJI_0991-2.jpg Listing Photo: land-black-hawk-county-iowa-117-acres-listing-number-16353-IMG_4866-2.jpg Listing Photo: land-black-hawk-county-iowa-117-acres-listing-number-16353-DJI_0992-3.jpg Listing Photo: land-black-hawk-county-iowa-117-acres-listing-number-16353-DJI_0998-1.jpg Listing Photo: land-black-hawk-county-iowa-117-acres-listing-number-16353-DJI_0044-0.jpg Listing Photo: Google Close Map Listing Photo: land-black-hawk-county-iowa-117-acres-listing-number-16353-DJI_0993-0.jpg Listing Photo: Aerial Outline