
Appanoose County, IA
226.13 Acres M/L

130th Avenue
Centerville, IA 52544

Price $1,300,248
Listing #17206
John Reburn


John Reburn

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.330.8710

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to present an exceptional recreational farm in Appanoose County. Encompassing 226.13 acres m/l, this property has diverse terrain including thick timber, CRP fields, meandering creek bottoms, tillable land, and a pond. 

Secluded from the road, this farm has several trails and crossings set up on the creeks to provide full access with a tractor or UTV. This farm has many potential stand locations that would hunt well with different winds. There are also several great potential food plot locations that could be set up for deer cruising the larger timbers and drainages that drop into this farm from around the neighborhood. There is a great mix of hardwoods on this farm that split the CRP to create several different fields.

The farm has approximately 134.55 acres of CRP paying $23,672 annually. 133.21 of the CRP acres expire in 2031 and 1.34 acres expire in 2032. The farm also has 13 tillable acres that are cash-rented to a local farmer. The property is leased for the 2023 hunting season but expires in January 2024. Contact one of the listing agents for details. 

The property has potential building sites and utilities nearby. The farm is located southwest of Centerville and northeast of Seymour. Additional land is available, contact agents for details.

Legal Description

The West Half of the East Half of Section 9 AND the North Half of the Northeast Quarter except Parcel A in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 16 all in Township 68 North Range 19 West of the 5th P.M. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Seymour, travel east on Highway J46 for 3.5 miles until reaching 130th Avenue. Turn left (north) on 130th Avenue for 1 mile until reaching the property. The property is on the west side of 130th Avenue.
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 684308
  • Parcel Number: 190194000820000, 190194000840000, 190194003510000, 190194003530000, 190194003540000
  • School District: Seymour Community School District
  • General Area: Northeast of Seymour, Southwest of Centerville
  • Net Taxes: $1,348.00
  • Zoning: Agriculture

Interactive Map

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