
Adams County, WA
320.00 Acres M/L

S. Theil Rd.
Washtucna, WA 99371

Price $550,000
Listing #16446
Braydon Rudolph


Braydon Rudolph

Office: 509.876.8633
Mobile: 541.379.8699

Property Info


Here is an exclusive, off-market opportunity to own a grain farm in Adams County, Washington. Per the Adams County Assessor, there are 320 +/- deeded acres included in this farm and per the Farm Service Agency there are 324.2 +/- tillable acres. The farm is cropped in dryland wheat using a summer fallow rotation, meaning a crop is grown every other year on these acres. Actual APH production records show an average annual yield, since 2001, of 60 bushels per acre for winter wheat crops and a T-yield of 47 bushels per acre.

The farm is currently leased to a neighboring farmer under a 1/3 – 2/3 crop share lease through 2028. The landowner is responsible for all property taxes and pays 1/3 of all fertilizer costs as well. The total property taxes for 2022, per the Adams County Assessor, are $994.26.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number: 2535170300001
  • General Area: Washington State
  • Gross Taxes: $994.26
  • Water: N/A
  • Zoning: Prime Agricultural District

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Listing Photo: Aerial Photo 1 Listing Photo: Aerial Photo 2