
Adams County, IA
200.00 Acres M/L

195th Street/Nodaway River Road
Prescott, IA 50859

Price $1,080,000
Listing #16798
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Jake Sickels


Jake Sickels

Office: 515.961.0247
Mobile: 515.681.2103

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to offer a rare opportunity to purchase 536.6 acres m/l of Adams County combination farmland, offered in 4 tracts ranging from 66.6 to 200 acres m/l, located just west of Prescott, Iowa. These tracts include a wide variety of attributes and feature something desirable for any type of Buyer including but not limited to; well maintained and substantial income producing CRP acres, heavily timbered draws, and cover, a lake, multiple ponds, tillable ground, and pasture. These farms are offered in four separate tracts but could be purchased as a turn-key unit as well, allowing a Buyer to acquire a large amount of acres in one specific area - a task that often takes decades of hard work and effort. All four of these farms have been meticulously maintained and kept up to a high standard by the current ownership. 

Tract 2 consists of 200 acres m/l and is made up of a diverse mix of CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) grasses, heavily wooded timber draws, a creek in the East Nodaway River corridor, and great access from the north, east, and south. Of the 139.99 FSA certified cropland acres on this tract, 126.30 are enrolled into two active CRP contracts with high annual payments, totaling $33,612. These contracts were implemented to enhance native grass cover, upland bird nesting and brood-rearing habitat as well as provide beneficial habitat for pollinators and many other wildlife species. Proper mid-contract maintenance and care measures have been taken to expand the coverage that the CRP acres offer, giving whitetail deer, turkeys, pheasants, and other game a strong chance to thrive and hold on to this tract. With ideal bedding cover being centrally located on the farm, multiple access points, and thick screening cover throughout the tract, a new owner is able to access the farm undetected and hunt all wind directions. This farm could be even further enhanced with the strategic implementation of food plots and timber stand improvement projects. There are multiple established trails and entrances to the farm, providing excellent access to the entire farm via truck or ATV.

This tract is located in Section 22 of Prescott Township, with access from both 195th Avenue to the north and secluded Nodaway River Road from the south and east. Additional land is available and can be purchased with this tract - see Peoples Company listing #16799, #16797, and #16796. Please contact one of the listing agents for more details regarding this opportunity. 

Legal Description

The Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE1/4 SW 1/4) of Section 22, Township 72 North, Range 23 West of the 5th P.M., Adams County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


FSA Certified Cropland Acres: 139.99
Total CRP Acres: 126.30
26.30 acres, CP38E-2 paying $7,150.00 annually ($271.89/acre) through 2027
100 acres, CP42 paying $26,462.00 annually ($264.62/acre) through 2027


From Prescott, Iowa: Head out of town on 195th Street and travel west for 0.75 miles. The property will be on the south side of 195th Street. To access the east and south end of the property, head back east on 195th Avenue for 0.5 miles. Go through the gate and travel south and west along Nodaway River Road. Please look for Peoples Company signage.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 673093
  • Parcel Number: 6370100, 6369100, 6373100, 6371100, 6372100
  • School District: Creston Community School District
  • General Area: Prescott
  • Net Taxes: $3,660.00
  • CSR2: 54.00
  • Zoning: Agricultural

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Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Google Far Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Google Close Listing Photo: Adams County, Iowa Farmland For Sale