Yakima County, WA
734.00 Acres M/L
State Route 24
Moxee, WA 98936
Price | |
Listing | #18013 |

Kayla Rowan
Office: 918.236.0866
Mobile: 918.734.1919

Property Info
AgriBusiness Trading Group and Peoples Company are seeking proposals from reputable energy development firms to develop a solar, wind, or BESS project in the Moxee Valley in Yakima County, Washington. The area under consideration consists of approximately 734 acres of orchard and range land and is proximal to other proposed solar developments. We are open to innovative land leasing or sale arrangements, and land use designs that maximize energy generation and environmental values.
For more detailed information regarding this opportunity, please contact Kayla Rowan: 918.734.1919, Kayla@PeoplesCompany.com OR Braydon Rudolph: 541.379.8699, Braydon@AgTradeGroup.com
An executed NDA is required prior to being granted access to our document data room.
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