
Chicot County, AR
1102.00 Acres M/L

Montrose, AR 71658

Listing #15259

Property Info


The Delta Organic Ag Properties DST, a Delaware statutory trust formed in 2019, provides a socially responsible investment opportunity that includes 1,102 USDA certified organic acres located in the Mississippi River Delta region of southeast Arkansas. Of the 1,102 certified organic acres, 867 are tillable irrigated acres. In addition to adhering to organic farming practices, the farm property manager is focused on sustainable and renewable resource management and architecture to help ensure the best environmental positive practices at the lowest possible farming cost. The offering is currently operated through a long-term master tenant lease with a single farm operator. The organic production system on the farm will produce organic rice, wheat, soybeans, and corn. The farm utilizes a highly efficient irrigation system that captures and recycles natural rainwater to irrigate the crops as well as no emission power units.

The crop production plan has been structured to generate base rent annual returns of 3.5% to DST investors. In addition to base rent, bonus rent returns are projected to increase annual cash flow to investors by an additional 3% to 4.5% in years when crop prices rise and/or as per acre crop production increases. The DST believes the farm value could increase by 4% to 6% annually over the 7-year targeted term of investment, which will further increase investor returns. 


DST Farms provides Section 1031 exchange investors with unique opportunities to directly engage the farmland asset class through the Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) investment vehicle. As a sponsoring entity, DST Farms specializes in identifying high-quality farmland that has the potential to deliver above-market returns and long-term capital appreciation, while mitigating investment risk.

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