
Adair County, IA
73.66 Acres M/L

170th Street/Riverside Avenue
Greenfield, IA 50849

Price Click to Bid Online
Listing #16494
Doug Bear, ALC


Doug Bear, ALC

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.745.3192

Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Property Info


Adair County, Iowa Online Only Auction – Mark your calendar for Friday, December 16th, 2022! Peoples Company is pleased to present 73.66 gross acres m/l situated between Stuart, Iowa and Greenfield, Iowa. The individual Adair County, Iowa farmland tract will be offered through an ONLINE ONLY auction where all bidding must be done online through Peoples Company's BidWrangler bidding application ( Bidding is currently LIVE and will remain open until Friday, December 16th, 2022 at 3:00 PM Central Time Zone (CST) with closing taking place on or before Tuesday, January 31st, 2023. A bid placed within 3 minutes of the scheduled close of the auction will extend bidding by an additional 3 minutes until all the bidding is completed.

This combination farmland tract would be a smart investment for a beginning farmer, Buyer looking to diversify their portfolio, or anyone interested in a long-term land investment opportunity. The farmland includes 48.74 FSA tillable acres carrying a CSR2 soil rating of 59.4, including Ladoga silt loam as the primary soil type. Currently, there are 41.26 acres being farmed with the balance consisting of heavy-wooded timber draws and pasture for grazing livestock. The farm lease has been terminated and is available for the 2023 cropping season.

The pasture is comprised of cool-season grasses with well-maintained perimeter fences. Trail cameras are currently being installed, please check in with listing agents for updated photos. Additionally, the property lies within the northeast quarter of Section 11 of Grove Township, Adair County, Iowa.

Legal Description

The East Half (E ½) of the Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) of Section Eleven (11), Township Seventy-six (76) North, Range Thirty-one (31) West of the 5th P.M., Iowa except for a parcel of land containing 6.337 acres, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the NE corner of Section 11, T76N, R31W of the 5th P.M. Adair Co., Iowa; thence, along the E line of said Sec. 11, South 00°00’00” 200.73 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence, continuing along said E line, S 00°00’00” 557.31 feet; thence N 89°03’25” W 509.78 feet; thence N 02°57’10” E 557.58 feet; thence S89°03’25” E 481.05 feet to the Point of Beginning. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Stuart, Iowa: Travel south out of town on County Highway P25 for approximately six miles and turn right (west) onto 170 Street. Continue for three miles and the farm will be located southwest of the intersection of 170th Street and Riverside Avenue. Look for the Peoples Company signs.

From Greenfield, Iowa: Travel north out of town on Iowa Highway 25 for approximately six miles and turn right (east) onto 170th Street. Continue for four miles and the farm will be located southwest of the intersection of 170th Street and Riverside Avenue. Look for the Peoples Company signs.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 663381
  • Parcel Number: 0711200002; 0711200004
  • School District: Nodaway Valley Community School District
  • General Area: Southwest of Stuart, Iowa; Northeast of Greenfield, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $1,640.00
  • CSR2: 59.40
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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Auction Details & Terms

Auction Location Map

Adair County, Iowa Online Only Auction
73.66 Acres M/L
Bidding ends: Friday, December 16th, 2022 at 3:00 PM
The bidding is currently live!

Seller: IAZONA Trust

Online Bidding: Register to bid at Potential bidders may have access to the live auction by utilizing Peoples Company's online auction platform via the Internet. By using Peoples Company's online auction platform, bidders acknowledge that the Internet is known to be unpredictable in performance and may, from time to time, impede access, become inoperative, or provide slow connection to the online auction platform. Bidders agree that Peoples Company nor its affiliates, members, officers, shareholders, agents, or contractors are, in any way, responsible for any interference or connectivity issues the bidder may experience when utilizing the online auction platform.

Offering Adair County, Iowa farmland through an ONLINE ONLY auction where all bidding must be done online through Peoples Company's bidding application. Bidding is currently LIVE and will remain open until Friday, December 16th, 2022 at 3:00 PM Central Time Zone (CST) with closing taking place on or before Tuesday, January 31st, 2023. A bid placed within 3 minutes of the scheduled close of the auction will extend bidding by 3 minutes until all the bidding is completed. If you plan to bid, please register 24 hours prior to close of auction. Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against Peoples Company or its affiliates if the internet service fails to work correctly before or during the auction.

Co-Broker: Co-Broker must register the client 24 hours prior to the Auction date by filling out our Broker Registration Form.

Earnest Money Payment & Possession: A 10% earnest money payment is required upon conclusion of the auction. The earnest money payment may be paid in the form of check or wire transfer. All funds will be held in Peoples Company's Trust Account. Upon earnest money payment, early possession of the property will be given for the 2022 cropping season.

Closing: Closing will occur on or about Tuesday, January 31st, 2023. The balance of the purchase price will be payable at closing in the form of cash, guaranteed check, or wire transfer.

Contract & Title: Immediately upon conclusion of the auction, the high bidder will enter into a real estate sales contract and deposit with Peoples Company the required earnest money payment. The Seller will provide a current abstract at their expense. Sale is not contingent upon Buyer financing.

Bidder Registration: All prospective bidders must register with Peoples Company and receive a bidder number in order to bid at the auction.

Other: This sale is subject to all easements, covenants, leases, and restrictions of record. All property is sold on an “As is – Where is” basis with no warranties, expressed or implied, made by the Auctioneer, Peoples Company, or Seller. All bids will be on a per acre basis. Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. Peoples Company and its representatives are agents of the Seller. Winning bidder acknowledges that they are representing themselves in completing the auction sales transaction.

Disclaimer: All property boundaries are presumed to be accurate according to the best available information and knowledge of the Seller and Peoples Company. Overall property characteristics may vary from figures stated within the marketing material. Buyer should perform his/her own investigation of the property prior to bidding at the auction. The brief legal descriptions in the marketing material should not be used in legal documents. Full legal descriptions will be taken from Abstract.


Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Google Close Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Adair County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Google Far