
Lucas County, IA
65.00 Acres M/L

510TH ST
LUCAS, IA 50151

Price $185,250
Listing #14884
Adam Curran


Adam Curran

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 641.203.2931

Property Info


Presenting 65 acres m/l of pasture farmland with a CSR2 rating of 26.6.  The farm is located just northeast of Lucas, Iowa and in Section 6 of Whitebreast Township.  Primary soil types include Gara clay loam, Zook-Olmitz-Vesser complex and Armstrong clay loam.  The fence has been properly maintained and the pasture acres have been well managed and properly stocked to continue to run livestock. There is rural water on the property but the creek is capable of holding water year around. The corral is in good shape and features a piped alleyway and holding areas designed for easy flow. The heavily timbered draws not only will offer shade for your livestock, but it's also a frequent travel area for deer and turkey giving the farm great hunting potential.  Plus, with rural water already on the property and electric at the road along with the beautiful landscape of Lucas County, this farm would be a perfect spot to build your dream home. Any and all leases have been terminated and are open for the 2020 farming season.

Legal Description

65 Acres M/L of The West Half (W 1/2) and the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) Section 6 Township 72 North Range 22 West of the 5th P.M. in Lucas County, Iowa. Exact legal will be taken from the abstract. 


From Lucas, IA go North on Highway 65 for approximately 2 miles and turn East on 510th Street. Travel on 510th Street for approximately 1.5 miles. The property is situated on the Northeast corner of 510th Street and 160th Avenue. 

  • MLS Number: 600240
  • Parcel Number: 0606300001, 060630003
  • School District: Chariton Community School District
  • General Area: White Breast Township
  • Net Taxes: $670.00
  • CSR: 27
  • Water: Rural
  • Zoning: Agriculture

Interactive Map

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