
Marion County, IA
69.00 Acres M/L

Wyoming St.
Lacona, IA 50139

Price $265,650
Listing #14883
Adam Curran


Adam Curran

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 641.203.2931

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to offer a great combination farm in Marion County, IA. This property features 69 m/l acres situated in Dallas Township. This tillable/recreational combination farm consists of 30+ acres currently being farmed. The potential total FSA tillable acres are approximately 50.72 acres M/L. The total FSA tillable acres carry a CSR2 of 47.7.

Approximately 18.28 acres m/l of timber draws make up the remaining acres. Ideal for hunting, this farm has the capability to produce quality whitetail and turkey.

Legal Description

S1/2 of SE1/4 Section 33, Township 74 North, Range 21 West. Less 11 Acres M/L to be surveyed out of the SW corner.  Exact legal to be take from abstract.


FSA  Cropland acres: 50.72 acres.


From Hwy 14 turn West onto 260th Ave. Travel for approximately 3.5 miles. Turn West onto County Line Rd/Lucas County Line Rd/Wyoming St. Travel approximately 1.5 miles to property which is located on the North side of the road.

  • MLS Number: 601018
  • Parcel Number: 0218300000, 0218400000
  • School District: Southeast Warren
  • General Area: Dallas Township
  • Net Taxes: $973.00
  • CSR2: 47.70
  • Zoning: Agriculture

Interactive Map

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