
Harrison County, MO
21.32 Acres M/L

Highway ZZ
New Hampton, MO 64471

Price $62,900
Listing #14869
Kenny Herring, ALC


Kenny Herring, ALC

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.783.8718

Property Info


Presenting 21.32 Acres located in Harrison County, Missouri. This one has it all! Building site, CRP income, Timber, 10' X 14' building and a small pond.  Located on a hard surface road just south of New Hampton, Missouri.

Legal Description

All that part of the Northwest Quarter (NW¼} for Section Twenty (20), Township Sixty-three (63} North, Range Twenty-nine (29) West., Harrison County, Missouri, lying South (S) of the Right of Way for Missouri State Highway Route ll..
Being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the Center of Section for Section Twenty (20), Township Sixty-three (63) North, Range Twenty-nine (29} West, Harrison County, Missouri; thence North (N) along the East (E) line for the Northwest Quarter (NW¼) for said Section Twenty (20), N 00°07'57" E, a distance of 1416.35 feet, to a point on the South (S) Right of  Way line for Missouri State Highway Route ZZ; thence West (W) along the South {S) Right of Way for said Missouri state Highway Route ll. along a Curve deflecting to the Right having a Radius of 332.94 feet, an Arc Length of 358.77 feet, a Chord Bearing of S 52°43'12" W, a Chord Distance of 341.66 feet; thence continuing West along said South (S) Right of Way, S 83°35'25" W, a distance of 788.50 feet; thence departing the Right of Way for said Missouri State Highway Route ll.,
S 34°43'09" E, a distance of 659.47 feet; thence S 02°27'18" E, a distance of 574.40 feet to a point on the South (S) Line for said Northwest Quarter (NW¼); thence East (E) along the South (S) Line for said Northwest Quarter (NW¼), S 89°31'15" E, a distance of 651.96 feet to the Point of Beginning containing 21.32 acres more or less. The above described property is subject to roads, easements, restrictions and right of ways of record. This brief legal description should not be used on legal documents. 


FSA Cropland Acres: 6.18
4.8 Acres enrolled in CRP paying $138.13 per acre expiring 9/30/2021
Corn: .60 Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 80
Grain Sorghum .26 Base Acres a PLC Yield of 69


From New Hampton: Take State Highway ZZ south 1 mile.  The Property is on the south side of Highway ZZ.


10 X 14 Cabin with loft

  • Parcel Number: 20-42-20-3.03
  • School District: Bethany R2
  • General Area: New Hampton
  • Net Taxes: $35.61
  • Zoning: Ag

Interactive Map

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