
Madison County, IA
97.04 Acres M/L

280th Street
St Charles, IA 50240

Price $383,308
Listing #14860
Kenny Herring, ALC


Kenny Herring, ALC

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.783.8718

Property Info


Madison County farmland available! This property consists of 97 acres m/l with 83.97 FSA cropland acres carrying a CSR2 rating of 76.7. The primary soil type on this farm are Kennebec silt loam and Zook silty clay loam. Tillable acres are enrolled in CRP providing an annual income of $18,481.  74 acres m/l of CRP are set to expire this September, with the remaining 10 acres m/l expiring in 2021. This land would be ideal for the beginning farmer looking for instant equity or an existing farm operator looking to expand. This farm is located in Section 31 of South Township Northwest of Truro.

Legal Description

Parcel B in the South Half (1/2) of Section 31 South of Old Railroad Township 75N Range 26W of the 5th PM Madison County, IA containing 97.04 acres. Exact legal to be taken from abstract.


74.1 Acres CRP CP23 paying $214.97 per acre expiring September 30th, 2020
9.8 Acres CRP CP23 paying $260.40 per acre expiring September 30th, 2021


From St Charles: Take R35 south to 280th Street. Go west on 280th to Valleyview Ave. Take Valleyview south to Settlers Trail. Go west on Settlers Trail to 280th Trail. Go west on 280th to property.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 599128
  • Parcel Number: 500093100020000
  • School District: Interstate 35
  • General Area: St Charles
  • Gross Taxes: $2,416.00
  • CSR2: 76.70
  • Zoning: Ag

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