
Guthrie County, IA
200.00 Acres M/L

2443 Nomad Trail
Guthrie Center, IA 50115

Price $1,100,000
Listing #14796
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Property Info


This 200 Acre Guthrie County, Iowa farm has a rich farming heritage as the Jorgensen family has produced corn, soybeans, hay, and livestock since 1944 - or more than 75 years. Situated in the rolling hills between Guthrie Center, Iowa and Panora, Iowa, there’s something for everyone with this versatile property offering a blend of income with high-quality row crop, livestock grazing and production, and recreational opportunities. The farm consists of 157.52 FSA tillable acres but an estimated 90.74 acres are currently being farmed. These acres are highly productive with a CSR2 rating of 75 and primary soil types including Sharpsburg silty clay loam, Shelby clay loam, Nodaway silt loam, and Judson silty clay loam. Conservation measures have been actively applied with well-maintained waterways and contour farming practices.

The balance of the farm consists of pasture land, grass hay ground, and a stand of timber. Being active in the Soil and Water Conservation District, the late Donald Jorgensen pioneered a 4 surface acre pond designed by the NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service) and built on the property. Other water features include Brushy Creek flowing through the very southwest corner of the property. A section of new 5 strand barbwire interior fence has been built just south of the pond. Improvements include a functional and well-maintained open front cattle and machine shed that measures approximately 53 ft. x 47 ft and a 6,500-bushel steel grain storage bin. The property also includes an older, vacant single-family 1.5 story house. The house / dwellings will be sold "Where Is, As Is". The acreage site is served by a well with piping and hydrants installed to allow access to water.

This land would be a great add-on to an existing farm operation and a smart investment for the Buyer looking to diversify their portfolio. Several grain and livestock markets are located nearby.  The farm has been operated by a long-term tenant under a crop share agreement, however, all farm leases have been terminated and the property would be open for the 2020 crop year. There is personal property and equipment owned by the current farm operator located on the property. Should a Buyer have any questions about items that would be or not be included with the property, please contact the listing agent. The farm is located in Sections 28 & 33 of Victory Township just northeast of Guthrie Center, Iowa and just west of Panora, Iowa.

There is a 30 ft. wide access easement located along the southern property line extending west to the east bank of Brushy Creek. This easement continues along the bank of Brushy Creek to allow the neighboring landowner to access part of their property. For additional information, please contact Agent.

Legal Description

The Southwest One quarter Except 1 Acre in the Southwest Corner of the Southwest One quarter of the Southwest One quarter (SW ¼ Except 1 Ac SW Cor. SW ¼ SW ¼) AND the West One half of the West One half of the Southeast One quarter (W ½ W ½ SE ¼), in Section Twenty-eight (28), AND, the North Two and One-half acres of the East Ten Acres in the Northwest One quarter of the Northwest One quarter (2 ½ Ac. E. 10 Ac. NW ¼ NW ¼) in Section Thirty-three (33); All in Township Eighty (80) North, Range Thirty-one (31) West of the 5th P.M., Guthrie County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


FSA Cropland Acres: 157.52
Corn: 63.5 Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 107
Soybeans:  40.1 Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 36


From Guthrie Center, Iowa: Travel north out of Guthrie Center on Iowa Highway 25/N 5th Street for approximately 1.7 miles, turn right (east) on 210th Street for 1.2 miles. Turn right (south) on Oak Avenue for 0.3 miles. Turn left (east) on Nomad Trail for 0.7 miles and arrive at 2443 Nomad Trail, Guthrie Center, Iowa. The property will be located on the north side of the road. Look for a Peoples Company sign.

From Panora, Iowa: Travel west on State Highway 44 for 1.7 miles, turn right (north) onto 215th Street for 3 miles. Turn right (north) onto Poplar Avenue for 0.5 miles and take the first left (west) on Nomad Trail. Travel for approximately 1.2 miles to 2443 Nomad Trail, Guthrie Center, Iowa and the property will be located on the north side of the road. Look for a Peoples Company sign.


  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 597570
  • Parcel Number: 0001009000, 0001008600, 0001008700, 0001008800, 0001008900, 0001018400
  • School District: Guthrie Center Community School District
  • General Area: Northeast of Guthrie Center, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $3,320.00
  • CSR2: 67.10
  • Zoning: Ag

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Listing Photo: Row Crop - Corn4 in Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: SE Corner - Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: Google Far of Jorgensen Farm in Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: Row Crop - Corn1 in Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: Pasture/Hay in Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: Row Crop - Corn3 in Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: NE Corner - Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: Row Crop - Corn2 in Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: NRCS Designed 4-Surface-Acre Pond in Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: Row Crop - Soybean1 in Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: Functional and well-maintained open front cattle and machine shed that measures approximately 53 ft. x 47 ft in Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: Row Crop - Soybean2 in Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: NW Corner - Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: NE Central Corner - Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: Row Crop - Corn5 in Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: 6,500-bushel steel grain storage bin in Guthrie Center, Iowa Listing Photo: Google Close of Jorgensen Farm in Guthrie Center, Iowa