Warren County, IA
160.00 Acres M/L
Polk St
Milo, IA 50166
Price | $656,000 |
Listing | #14676 |

Property Info
Legal Description
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 591583
- Parcel Number: 17000350440, 17000350460, 17000340280, 17000340260
- School District: Southeast Warren
- General Area: Milo
- Net Taxes: $2,318.00
- CSR2: 55.70
- Water: Rural
- Zoning: Agricultural
Additional Info
The seller is offering to lease back the tillable acres at a competitive rate and is willing to accommodate the future owners preference on a closing date. December 1st CRP enrollment will be available through FSA and can be negotiated upon with seller. Yield information will be provided upon request.
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