
Lucas County, IA
40.00 Acres M/L

140th Ave.
Norwood, IA 50151

Price $118,000
Listing #14384
Daran Becker


Daran Becker

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.979.3498

Property Info


Peoples Company is excited to offer 40 acres m/l located 1/2 mile south of the Warren/Lucas County line and just off Highway 65. This farm has 34.74 acres considered FSA tillable and the remainder of the farm is heavily timbered. It is a natural corridor for deer moving through the area from the large timber tracts to the east and would have some great stand locations. There are also several locations that would make ideal pond sites. This farm is priced to move.

Legal Description

The Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) in Section 2 Township 73 North Range 23 West of the 5th PM Lucas County, IA.
Exact legal will be taken from the abstract.


Total FSA Cropland: 34.74 acres


From Lucas take Highway 65 North for approximately 8 miles to 570th Street then turn East. Go for 0.20 miles on 570th Street and take 140th Avenue North. Continue on 140th Avenue for approximately 0.60 miles to the property's entrance on the East side of the road.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 573260
  • Parcel Number: 102100003
  • General Area: Norwood
  • Net Taxes: $400.00
  • CSR2: 26.70
  • Zoning: Ag

Interactive Map

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Listing Photo: Peoples Company Land for Sale-40 acres Lucas County Iowa 140th-ave-norwood-50151 Listing Photo: Peoples Company Land for Sale-40 acres Lucas County Iowa 140th-ave-norwood-50151 Listing Photo: Peoples Company Land for Sale-40 acres Lucas County Iowa 140th-ave-norwood-50151 Listing Photo: Peoples Company Land for Sale-40 acres Lucas County Iowa 140th-ave-norwood-50151 Listing Photo: Peoples Company Land for Sale-40 acres Lucas County Iowa 140th-ave-norwood-50151 Listing Photo: Peoples Company Land for Sale-40 acres Lucas County Iowa 140th-ave-norwood-50151 Listing Photo: Peoples Company Land for Sale-40 acres