Walla Walla County, WA
640.00 Acres M/L
Struthers Rd
Prescott, WA 99348
Price | $695,000 |
Listing | #14354 |

Adam Woiblet
Office: 509.876.8633
Mobile: 509.520.6117
Property Info
Legal Description
- Parcel Number: 340916000001
- General Area: Struthers Rd
- Net Taxes: $1,643.59
- Zoning: Agricultural
Additional Info
Per the Walla Walla County Assessor, there are 640.0 m/l total deeded acres with 437.32 m/l acres being tillable per the Farm Service Agency. 339.49 m/l of the tillable acres are enrolled in the CRP program with the current contract ending in 2019. The remaining 97.83 m/l tillable acres are currently in wheat production with a summer fallow rotation and are leased to a neighboring farmer. In addition, there are 69.0 m/l acres enrolled in the CREP program with that contract also ending in 2019. Total income from these contracts is $29,082 per year and additional income is derived from the farm lease.
Per the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, precipitation on this farm averages 13 - 14 inches per year.
There are no structures or irrigation water rights located on the property or included in the sale. The property is accessed via a gravel county road that leads to a private access easement across a neighboring property.
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