
Warren County, IA
144.65 Acres M/L

23490 130th Ave.
Lucas, IA 50151

Price $491,810
Listing #14231
Daran Becker


Daran Becker

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.979.3498

Property Info


Need Pasture? This 144.65 acre m/l combination farm located just a half mile off Hwy G76 in southern Warren County has just what you're looking for. There are 104.51 acres considered FSA tillable on this tract with 27 acres currently in hay and the remainder are in improved pasture. This farm is a turn key operation with electric, rural water, 2 ponds and is cross fenced for rotational grazing. The property also includes a 40 x 60 pole barn, built in 2007. The pole barn has cement, electric and water. The land is currently all in hay and pasture, and is open for 2018. The wooded creek running through the farm is a natural whitetail deer corridor and the ponds are loaded with bass, bluegill and catfish. The timbered draws have multiple engineered crossings for easy access to the entire farm. Additional 132.61 acres available diagonally east from property.

Legal Description

144.65 acres described as NE 1/4 SW 1/4 and the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and the S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 except a 14.1 acre parcel in the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 located in Warren County Section 25 Township 74 North Range 24 West. Exact legal to be taken from the abstract.


147.15 Farm Land acres
104.51 Cropland acres
2.8 Oats base acres
7.0 Corn base acres



From Indianola travel South on Highway 65/69 and stay on Highway 69 for approximately 12 miles to Highway G76. Then turn East onto Highway G76 and continue for 2 miles to 130th Ave. and turn South. Travel 1/2 mile on 130th Ave. and there is driveway access on the West side of the road.


40 x 60 Steel Utility Building - Open 60ft side
2 ponds

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 563835
  • Parcel Number: 2300250260, 23000250280, 23000250480, 23000250620
  • School District: Southeast Warren
  • General Area: Liberty Center
  • Net Taxes: $1,784.00
  • CSR2: 38.00
  • Water: Rural
  • Zoning: Ag

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