
Madison County, IA
70.00 Acres M/L

2519 Hiatt Apple Trail
Winterset, IA 50273

Price $358,000
Listing #14193
Kenny Herring, ALC


Kenny Herring, ALC

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.783.8718

Property Info


Peaceful, Pristine and Pretty - 70 acres m/l Madison County. With views worthy of a postcard and the income to justify the investment, this unique property has just about everything you could ask for. Nestled at the end of the long driveway lane stands a 42 X 80 Morton Building. The building offers 220 power, three 14 foot sliding doors, and 6 inch concrete floors throughout, lofted area for storage and plenty of room for equipment and toys. The farmland offers high quality soils of Nevin and Wiota and carries a weighted average CSR2 of 85.3. 34.41 acres are currently enrolled in CRP paying an annual amount of $8,614. 6.51 acres were also recently planted to soybeans and can be left standing as a food plot or harvested to provide extra income. The property is surrounded by a vast amount of timber and is located in an oversized section. The quality and quantity of wildlife is amazing. Jones Creek meanders through the property and adds to the breathtaking visual experience of the land, also providing water for wildlife and some fishing too. This property is conveniently located only 10 minutes Southeast of Winterset and 10 minutes West of Interstate 35. Located in Section 23 of Scott Township, at 2519 Hiatt Apple Trail, Winterset, Iowa. Take advantage of this prime opportunity to own a piece of Madison County Iowa landscape.    

Legal Description

The SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, except all land laying South of Jones Creek. The SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4, except all land laying south of Jones Creek. The SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, except all land laying South of Jones Creek. The south 11.21 acres of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4. All in sections 23, Township 75 North, Range 27 West, West of the 5th P.M. Madison County, Iowa. Exact legal to be taken from Survey.


Farm Program Details pending reconstitution following survey.  


From Winterset, head south out of town on Clark Tower Road/CO Hwy P71 for approximately 1.48 miles. Turn left (East) onto St. Charles Road/CO Hwy G50 and follow for 4 miles. Once you hit Hiatt Apple Trail, turn right (South) and drive 2.34 miles until you hit the property. The farm will sit on the west side of the road. Look for signs.




42x80 Steel Utility Building

  • School District: Winterset
  • General Area: St Charles
  • CSR: 79
  • CSR2: 85.00
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Additional Info

Neighboring house has easement for septic laterals. Driveway is shared.  

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