
Wayne County, IA
148.00 Acres M/L

Hwy S40 & Jubilee Road
Allerton, IA 50008

Price $769,600
Listing #14016
Jared Chambers, CAI


Jared Chambers, CAI

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 641.414.0234

Property Info


Offering 148 acres m/l of productive Wayne County farmland located south and east of Corydon, Iowa. This farm has 134.29 FSA tillable acres carrying an average CSR2 of 48.2 on the tillable soils. High quality soil types such as Seymour, Edina and Zook-Olmitz-Vesser combined with the tile and terraces makes this farm a great opportunity to add to your current operation. Farm is located in Section 3 of Jackson Township and is open for crop year 2018.

Legal Description

SW 1/4 of Section 3, Jackson Township, Wayne County, Iowa T-68-N R-21-W. Exact legal description will be taken from abstract.


FSA Farmland:  146.37 Acres
FSA Cropland Acres:  134.29 Acres
Corn Base:  47.15 Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 98
Soybean Base:  47.15 Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 36


Travel east from Corydon, Iowa on Highway 2 for two miles to county Highway S40. Travel south on Highway S40 for approximately 2.5 miles to Jubilee Road. The farm is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Highway S40 and Jubilee Road. Watch for Peoples Company signs.


Tile and terraces, small pond

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • School District: Wayne Community
  • General Area: South and East of Corydon, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $1,538.00
  • CSR2: 48.00
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Additional Info

The tile and terrace project were completed on December 8, 2015 and are required to remain in a 20 year maintenance/performance agreement with the Wayne SWCD. Contact agent for details.

Interactive Map

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