
Harrison County, IA
235.00 Acres M/L

Hamlin Ave & 260th St
Modale, IA 51556

Price $1,499,000
Listing #13901
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Property Info


Offering an aggressive return on investment and abundant wildlife opportunities with this 235 acre tract of income producing Wetland Restoration CRP land nestled among the Loess Hills of Western Iowa! Additionally, the farm is adjacent to Vaile Wetland Nature Area and Sawmill Hollow Wildlife Area with combined acres of wetland, woodland, and ridge top prairie habitat. Property includes 233.83 acres enrolled in two separate CRP contracts (CP-21 & CP-23) with an annual payment of $67,440. (223.71 acres with an annual payment of $66,308 enrolled until 2025 and 10.1 acres with an annual payment of $1,138 enrolled until 2018)  


With the volatility and uncertainty that comes with investing in the stock market and lack of returns on alternative investments, owning this property with the Federal Government as your "tenant" should be enticing.   

Located a few miles from Interstate 29 providing easy access and short distance from the Omaha Metro. Also, located just northwest of Missouri Valley, Iowa, just east of Modale, Iowa, and in Section 27 of Taylor Township.  

Seeded to a variety of native grasses and forbs including but not limited to: Big Bluestem, Indiangrass, Canada Wildrye, Switchgrass, Virginia Wildrye, Black-eyed Susan, Monkey Flower, Cardinal Flower, Blue Vervain, and many others. The primary benefits of the CP-23 practice is wetland restoration to encourage a vibrant habitat for waterfowl, grassland birds, and other wetland species as well as act as a filter for sediment and nutrient runoff to enhance overall water quality.  

The owners of this parcel took advantage of the Iowa Habitat and Access Program (IHAP) with the DNR (Department of Natural Resources). DNR helps to establish and maintain the habitat including any mid-contract management on the CRP contracts and in return the landowner allows the public walk-in hunting from Sept. 1st through May 31st. Contact Agent for more details or see attached for informational brochure.

As farmland, the tillable acres carry a CSR2 of 52 with the primary soil type being Luton. There are three drainage districts that benefit this property (Named Schwertley, Annis, and H & P). Maintenance including cleaning out ditch and adding depth has recently been performed on the H & P District and an assessment has been applied to the property taxes for land in this area. Contact agent for details about current and future property taxes.

Legal Description

The Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W 1/2 NE 1/4) of Section Twenty-seven (27) Township Seventy-nine (79) North, Range Forty-four (44) West of the 5th P.M., Harrison County, Iowa.
*Full Legal Description to be taken from Abstract. 


FSA Cropland- 233.83 acres 

Total CRP- 233.81 acres paying approximately $67,440 annually
CP23- 223.71 acres paying $296.40 per acre or approximately $66,308 annually expiring in 2025
CP21- 10.10 acres paying $112.05 per acre or approximately $1,132 annually expiring in 2018


From Missouri Valley, Iowa: Travel west out of Missouri Valley, Iowa until turning right (north) on Interstate 29. After 5.5 miles, take Exit 82 for Modale. Turn right (east) on IA Hwy 300 / 270th St / Co Rd F50 for 1 mile until turning left (north) on Hamlin Ave. Turn left (north) on Hamlin Avenue for 1/2 mile and property is on right side of road. There is also frontage on 260th St located 1/2 mile north. Look for signs.


Property has two higher capacity wells located on the property that were previously connected to an irrigation pivot. Irrigation pivot has been removed from the property.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • School District: West Harrison Community School District
  • General Area: East of Modale, Iowa
  • CSR2: 52.00

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