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2024 Planting Season

April 3, 2024 - Craig Nielsen

With planting season right around the corner, Peoples Company wanted to take this opportunity to remind growers of the upcoming important dates revolving around this next stage of the crop insurance cycle. Initial planting dates, replanting, and prevent planting are important topics to discuss during this time of year and play an important role in MPCI coverage moving forward after the sales closing deadline.

Also, the production reporting deadline for your 2023 harvest bushels is April 29, 2024. If you have not done so already, that information needs to be reported to your crop insurance agent by then.

Earliest Plant Date: Crops that are planted before the earliest planting date are not eligible for replanting loss payments from the AIP.

Final Planting Date: Acres that are planted on or before this date will receive the entire guarantee based on the elected crop insurance plan. Acres that are planted after this date receive a reduction in the guarantee.

Late Planting Date: The period begins after the final planting date and lasts up to 25 days. Each day planted during this time, a reduction of 1% per day of the yield or revenue guarantee each day until planting is complete. If you plant a field on the third day during the late planting period, the reduction would be 3% of the guarantee.


Earliest Plant Date

Corn: 4/10

Soybeans: 4/10 (southern three counties across the state)

4/15 (central and northern counties across the state)


Earliest Plant Date

Corn: 4/10 or 4/15 depending on the county

Soybean: 4/25


After damage occurs to an insured planted crop and is determined eligible to be replanted. The same commodity on the same acreage under such circumstances may be paid a replant loss indemnity from the insurance company. To qualify for a replant claim there are certain qualifications to be eligible. These include but are not limited to:

1. Acreage must be deemed practical to replant by the AIP.

2. Acreage meets the 20/20 rule (20 acres or 20% of the unit).

3. Acreage must have been planted on or after the initial plating date.

4. Replant claims must be reported PRIOR to replanting.

5. An appraisal by an adjuster is required.

6. Self-Cert replants are applicable if the replant acreage is less than 50 acres in a unit and an appraisal by an adjuster is not required.

Replant Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can you plant a crop before the earliest plant date?

A: Yes, you can. However, the grower forgoes a loss indemnity from the AIP on a replant claim if planting occurs before the initial plant date.

Q: What is a replanting payment?

A: Payment to assist the farmer in replanting an insured crop that has been damaged by an insurable cause of loss.

Q: Does replanting impact the guarantee?

A: If replanting is practical in the area, there is no decrease in the production guarantee on the initially planted crop. Even if the crop is planted during the late planting period, given the crop was originally planted timely.

Q: Who determines if it is practical to replant?

A: Approved Insurance Provider (AIP).

Prevent Plant

Prevented planting is a failure to plant insured crops under good farming practices by the final designated planting date or during the late planting period. These days may change by crop and location. Contact your crop insurance agent for more information regarding these dates. This coverage is designed to compensate producers’ pre-planting costs, both fixed and variable. This is calculated as a percentage of the insurance guarantee if the crop was timely planted. These claims must be reported within 72 hours after the end of the late plant period.

Prevent Plant Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to report prevent plant acres?

A: Yes, these acres need to be listed on a timely signed acreage report.

Q: How do you determine the eligible acres for the prevent plant?

A: Meet the ‘1 in 4 Rule,’ which states that land must be planted, insured, and harvested in at least one of the four most recent crop years.

For more information regarding these topics please contact Peoples Company or your crop insurance agent.


Published in: Crop Insurance